Sample Selection Modeling

  •  “Examining the treatment effect of teleworking on vehicle-miles driven: Applying an ordered probit selection model and incorporating the role of travel stress”, by Xinyi Wang and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research A 186, 104072, 2024. Open access; available at
  • “A note on the sample selection (switching regression) model and treatment effects for a log-transformed outcome variable, in the context of residential self-selection”, by Sung Hoo Kim and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation, 2023,
  • “Comparisons of observed and unobserved parameter heterogeneity in modeling vehicle-miles driven”, by Sung Hoo Kim and Patricia Mokhtarian. Transportation Research Part A 172, 103614, 2023.
  • “Response Willingness in Consecutive Travel Surveys: An Investigation Based on the National Household Travel Survey Using a Sample Selection Model”, byXinyi Wang, F. Atiyya Shaw, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Kari E. Watkins.  Transportation, 2022,
  • “Quantifying the Share of Total Apparent Effect that is Genuinely Due to a Treatment:  A Comparison of Methods”, by David van Herick and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Research in Transportation Economics 90, 2021, 101020.
  • “Quantifying the Relative Contribution of Factors to Household Vehicle Miles of Travel”, by Abhilash C. Singh, Sebastian Astroza, Venu M. Garikapati, Ram M. Pendyala, Chandra R. Bhat, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Transportation Research D 63, 2018, 23-36.
  • “Quantifying Residential Self-selection Effects:  A Review of Methods and Findings from Applications of Propensity Score and Sample Selection Approaches”, by Patricia L. Mokhtarian and David van Herick.  Journal of Transport and Land Use 9(1), 2016, 7-26.
  • “Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-selection on Travel Behavior:  A Focus on Empirical Findings”, by Xinyu Cao, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Susan L. Handy.  Transport Reviews29(3) (May), 2009, 359-395.
  • “Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-selection on Travel Behavior:  A Focus on Method­ologies”, by Patricia L. Mokhtarian and Xinyu Cao.  Transportation Research Part B42(3), 2008, 204-228.  doi 10.1016/j.trb.2007.07.006