
CEE 6601 – Statistics in Transportation

Course Objective:  This course is intended to (1) equip MS and PhD students with some standard tools of statistical analysis; and (2) provide liberal doses of the practical application advice that is often lacking in methods-oriented courses.  It is expected to be useful not only for those who plan to use such tools in their research (i.e. “producers” of statistics), but also for anyone who wants to be an intelligent “consumer” of statistics encountered in their professional and everyday lives.

CEE 6623 – Transportation Survey Methods

Goals:   To develop an understanding of the types of surveys commonly used in transportation demand modeling and travel behavior research, including issues of design, sampling, and analysis.  To gain hands-on experience in designing, evaluating, and analyzing such surveys.

CEE 6650 – Discrete Choice Modeling

Course Objectives:

  • To understand the behavioral, statistical, and econometric foundations for the formulation and estimation of discrete choice models. 
  • To explore a variety of discrete choice models and their application to travel demand forecasting and related subjects. 
  • To gain experience in the formulation, interpretation, and evaluation of discrete choice models using empirical data.