- “Substitution or Complementarity? A Latent-Class Cluster Analysis of Ridehailing Impacts on the Use of Other Travel Modes in Three Southern U.S. Cities”, by Yongsung Lee, Grace Yun-Hsuan Chen, Giovanni Circella, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research D 104, 2022, 103167.
- “The Role of Attitudes in Perceptions of Bicycle Facilities: A Latent-Class Regression Approach”, by Calvin Clark, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Giovanni Circella, and Kari Watkins. Transportation Research Part F 77, 2021, 129-148.
- “User Preferences for Bicycle Infrastructure in Communities with Emerging Cycling Cultures”, by Calvin Clark, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Giovanni Circella, and Kari E. Watkins. Transportation Research Record 2673(12), 2019, 89-102. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198119854084
- “What Drives the Use of Ridehailing in California? Ordered Probit Models of the Usage Frequency of Uber and Lyft”, by Farzad Alemi, Giovanni Circella, Patricia Mokhtarian, and Susan Handy. Transportation Research C 102, 2019, 233-248.
- “Addressing the Joint Occurrence of Self-selection and Simultaneity Biases in the Estimation of Program Effects Based on Cross-sectional Observational Surveys: Case Study of Travel Behavior Effects in Carsharing”, by Gouri Shankar Mishra, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Regina R. Clewlow, and Keith F. Widaman. Transportation 46, 2019, 95-123. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11116-017-9791-1.
- “Exploring the Latent Constructs behind the Use of Ridehailing in California”, by Farzad Alemi, Giovanni Circella, Patricia Mokhtarian, and Susan Handy. Journal of Choice Modelling 29, 2018, 47-62.
- “What Influences Travelers to Use Uber? Exploring the Factors Affecting the Adoption of On-Demand Ride Services in California”, by Farzad Alemi, Giovanni Circella, Patricia Mokhtarian, and Susan Handy. Travel Behaviour and Society 13, 2018, 88-104.
- “Multimodal Travel Groups and Attitudes: A Latent Class Cluster Analysis of Dutch Travelers”, by Eric Molin, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Maarten Kroesen. Transportation Research Part A 83, 2016, 14-29.
- “The Effect of Carsharing on Vehicle Holdings and Travel Behavior: a Propensity Score and Causal Mediation Analysis of the San Francisco Bay Area”, by Gouri Shankar Mishra, Regina Ruby Lee Clewlow, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Keith F. Widaman. Research in Transportation Economics (Special Issue on Sustainable Transportation) 52, 2015, 46-55.
- “Carsharing and the Built Environment: A Geographic Information System-Based Study of One U.S. Operator”, by Tai Stillwater, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Susan A. Shaheen. Transportation Research Record 2110, 2009, 27-34.
- “Desire to Change One’s Multimodality and its Relationship to the Use of Different Transport Means”, by Marco Diana and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research Part F 12(2), 2009, 107-119.
- “Grouping Travelers on the Basis of Their Different Car and Transit Levels of Use”, by Marco Diana and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation 36(4), 2009, 455-467.
- Travelers’ Segmentation Based on Multimodality Behaviors and Attitudes, by Marco Diana and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-08-18, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, June 2008. Available at https://itspubs.ucdavis.edu/publication_detail.php?id=1179.