- “Do Millennials Value Travel Time Differently because of Productive Multitasking? A Revealed Preference Study of Northern California Commuters”, by Aliaksandr Malokin, Giovanni Circella, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation 48, 2021, 2787–2823. Open access at https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11116-020-10148-2.pdf?pdf=button.
- “Who doesn’t mind waiting? Examining relationships between waiting attitudes and person- and travel-related attributes”, by Atiyya Shaw, Aliaksandr Malokin, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Giovanni Circella. Transportation 48, 2021, 395-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-019-10054-2.
- “How attractive is it to use the internet while commuting? A work-attitude-based segmentation of Northern California commuters”, by Sungtaek Choi and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research Part A 138, 2020, 37-50.
- “How do passengers allocate and evaluate their travel time? Evidence from a survey on the Shanghai–Nanjing high speed rail corridor, China”, by Jia Tang, Feng Zhen, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Journal of Transport Geography 85, 2020, 102701.
- “Will Autonomous Vehicles Change Residential Location and Vehicle Ownership? Glimpses from Georgia”, by Sung Hoo Kim, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Giovanni Circella. Transportation Research D 82, 2020, 102291.
- “How, and for whom, will activity patterns be modified by self-driving cars? Expectations from the State of Georgia”, by Sung Hoo Kim, Giovanni Circella, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research F 70, 2020, 68-80.
- “Identifying latent mode-use propensity segments in an all-AV era”, by Sung Hoo Kim, Giovanni Circella, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research A 130, 2019, 192-207.
- “It’s Not All Fun and Games: An Investigation of the Reported Benefits and Disadvantages of Conducting Activities while Commuting”, by Atiyya Shaw, Aliaksandr Malokin, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Giovanni Circella. Travel Behaviour and Society 17, 2019, 8-25. Selected for the journal’s Outstanding Paper Award for 2019.
- “How Do Activities Conducted while Commuting Influence Mode Choice? Using Revealed Preference Models to Inform Public Transportation Advantage and Autonomous Vehicle Scenarios”, by Aliaksandr Malokin, Giovanni Circella, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research A 124, 2019, 82-114.
- “Projecting Travelers into a World of Self-driving Cars: Naturalistic Experiment for Travel Behavior Implications”, by Mustapha Harb, Yu Xiao, Giovanni Circella, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Joan Walker. Transportation 45(6), 2018, 1671-1685.
- “The Times They are A-changin’: What Do the Expanding Uses of Travel Time Portend for Policy, Planning, and Life?”, by Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research Record 2672(47), 2018, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198118798602.
- “How Do Passengers Use Travel Time? A Case Study of Shanghai-Nanjing High Speed Rail”, by Jia Tang, Feng Zhen, Jason Cao, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation 45, 2018, 451-477.
- “An Empirical Investigation of Attitudes toward Waiting on the Part of Northern California Commuters”, by Gouri Shankar Misra, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Keith F. Widaman. Travel Behaviour and Society 2(2), 2015, 78-87.
- “The Estimation of Changes in Rail Ridership through an Onboard Survey: Did Free Wi-Fi Make a Difference to Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor Service?” by Zhi Dong, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Giovanni Circella, and James R. Allison. Transportation 42(1), 2015, 123-142.
- “A Conceptual Typology of Multitasking Behavior and Polychronicity Preferences”, by Giovanni Circella, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Laura K.Poff. electronic International Journal of Time Use Research 9(1), 2012, 59-107. Available at https://jtur.iatur.org/home/article/76fb57e3-84b8-43c1-966a-67d281b37e59, accessed June 24, 2013.
- “Travel-based Multitasking: Modeling the Propensity of Northern Californians to Conduct Activities while Commuting”, by Rosaria M. Berliner, Aliaksandr Malokin, Giovanni Circella, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. November 2014. Presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Available at https://escholarship.org/uc/item/27c8q4xn.
- Did Free Wi-Fi Make a Difference to Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor Service? An Evaluation of the Impact on Riders and Ridership, by Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Amanda J. Neufeld, Zhi Dong, and Giovanni Circella. Report to the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, February 2013. Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-13-03, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis. Available at https://itspubs.ucdavis.edu/publication_detail.php?id=1845.
- A Survey of Multitasking by Northern California Commuters: Description of the Data Collection Process, by Amanda J. Neufeld and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Research Report UCD-ITS-RR-12-32, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis. Available at https://itspubs.ucdavis.edu/publication_detail.php?id=1802.