Responses to Congestion/System Disruption

  • “The Impact of Land Use Characteristics on Commute Behavior Changes: An Empirical Investigation from Northern California”, by Susan Pike, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Giovanni Circella.  Under review, Journal of Transportation and Land Use.
  • “Calculation of Changes in Vehicle Miles Traveled for Drive-Alone Commuting during a Temporary Freeway Closure: The Fix I-5 Project in Sacramento, California”, by David van Herick, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Xi He.  Transportation Research Record 2319, 2012, 67-76.
  • “Individual Responses to Congestion Policies:  Modeling the Consideration of Factor-Based Travel-Related Strategy Bundles”, by Sangho Choo and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 16(5), 2012, 822-834.  doi:  10.1007/s12205-012-1315-0
  • “Non-work Travel Behavior Changes during a Temporary Freeway Closure: The Fix I-5 Project in Sacramento, California”, by Meiping Yun, David van Herick, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian. Transportation Research Record 2231, 2011, 1-9.
  • “Impacts of a Major Freeway Reconstruction on Bus Ridership: A Time-Series Analysis of Sacramento, California’s Fix I-5 Project”, by Rachel Carpenter, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Michael Zhang, and Alex Aue.  Paper No. 11-3557 presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2011.
  • “Commuter Impacts and Behavior Changes during a Temporary Freeway Closure: The Fix I-5 Project in Sacramento, California”, by Liang Ye, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Giovanni Circella.  Paper No. 10-3275 presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2010, and forthcoming in Transportation Planning and Technology.
  • “Effects of Gender on Commuter Behavior Changes in the Context of a Major Freeway Reconstruction”, by Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Liang Ye, and Meiping Yun. Conference Proceedings 46, Women’s Issues in Transportation:  Summary of the Fourth International Conference. Volume 2:  Technical Papers, pp. 143-153.  Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, in press.  Available at
  • “How do People Respond to Congestion Mitigation Policies?  A Multivariate Probit Model of the Individual Consideration of Three Travel-Related Strategy Bundles”, by Sangho Choo and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Transportation 35(2), 2008, 145-163.  Authors’ postprint available at
  • “How do Individuals Adapt their Personal Travel?  A Conceptual Exploration of the Considera­tion of Travel-related Strategies”, by Xinyu Cao and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Trans­port Policy 12(3), 2005, 199-206.  doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2005.03.002.
  • “How do Individuals Adapt their Personal Travel?  Objective and Subjective Influences on the Consideration of Travel-related Strategies for San Francisco Bay Area Commuters”, by Xinyu Cao and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Trans­port Policy 12(4), 2005, 291-302.
  •  “Personal Travel Management:  The Adoption and Consideration of Travel-Related Strategies” by Michael J. Clay and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Transportation Planning and Technology 27(3) (June), 2004, 181-209.
  • “Reducing Road Congestion:  A Reality Check – A Comment”, by Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Transport Policy 11(2), 2004, 183-184.
  • “Modeling Individuals’ Consideration of Strategies to Cope with Congestion”, by Elizabeth A. Raney, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Ilan Salomon.  Transportation Research F 3, 2000, 141-165.
  • “Behavioral Responses to Congestion:  Identifying Patterns and Socio-Economic Differences in Adoption”, by Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Elizabeth A. Raney, and Ilan Salomon.  Transport Policy 4(3), 1997, 147-160.
  • “Coping with Congestion:  Understanding the Gap between Policy Assumptions and Behavior”, by Ilan Salomon and Patricia L. Mokhtarian.  Transportation Research D 2(2) (May), 1997, 107-123.
